Beebu Decoration Co., Ltd., is a formal qualification of the local large-scale decorative enterprises, set decoration design, construction, building materials and soft. Should be the development of the need, Beebu decoration launched zero rental building materials stores, through the integration of industrial chain, inviting building materials manufacturers zero rent settled, to achieve a wholesale price to do retail, the possibility of. Nearly 10000 square meters of home experience Museum, the operating space into a real model room, to achieve the model between the home to move home new ideas.

Since the company has won the "people-oriented, the Asia Pacific Design Award" hundreds of outstanding designers, construction manager and project team, from design to construction, decoration Beebu has maintained a good reputation among consumers.

For the construction quality more stringent security, Beebu set up a special decoration quality inspection maintenance department, for each project quality control checks, for consumers to create worry about the quality of engineering; to control material, save cost and improve the quality, to provide a reliable guarantee for the customer.

Based on the same design and quality assurance, Beebu decoration with "high quality brand", "genuine goods at a fair price", "high quality and inexpensive" three levels of material budget, through strict control of procurement, accurate budget, multi comparison, its price is lower than the industry average, truly implement "genuine goods at a fair price, high quality and inexpensive".

Beebu decoration since the purchase of office space, and will plan the cost of advertising to customer maintenance costs, pay a return visit and has been over warranty period of the old customer maintenance, maintenance, so that consumers can rest assured that the local enterprises.
Beebu Decoration Co., Ltd.
Add: No.8, Xx Industrial Zone, Chancheng District, Foshan City
Tel: 0757-1234567 / Fax: 0757-1234567
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